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Shen, Wei-ChuanSpectral asymptotics of Toeplitz operators for lower energy forms on non-degenerate compact CR manifoldsProf. Dr. Marinescu
Müller, HenrikMultiprojective Seshadri stratifications for Schubert varieties and standard monomial theoryProf. Dr. Littelmann
Naji, HusseinDeep Learning for Prediction of Recurrence of Diffuse Large B-Cell LymphomaProf. Dr. Bozek
Weller, AnnaNumerical Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations on Metric GraphsProf.' Dr.' Kunoth
Zielinski, DominikZeros of Random Holomorphic Sections of Semipositive Line Bundles on Punctured Riemann SurfacesProf. Dr. Marinescu


Becker, TilmanOn geodesible vector fields and related geometric structuresProf. Dr. Geiges
Cesana, GiuliaOn the Asymptotic Behavior of Modular Forms and Related ObjectsProf. Dr. Bringmann
Ebel PatrickData-Driven Evaluation of In-Vehicle Information SystemsProf. Dr. Vogelsang
Gallo, GioeleOn some percolation problems in correlated systemsProf. Dr. Drewitz
Grimm, ViktorPhysics-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Computational Fluid DynamicsProf. Dr. Klawonn
Heimendahl, ArneGeometric optimization problems in quantum computation and discrete mathematics: Stabilizer states and LatticesProf. Dr. Vallentin
Mono, AndreasHarmonic and locally harmonic Maaß formsProf. Dr. Bringmann