Abgeschlossene Promotionen
Shen, Wei-Chuan | Spectral asymptotics of Toeplitz operators for lower energy forms on non-degenerate compact CR manifolds | Prof. Dr. Marinescu |
Müller, Henrik | Multiprojective Seshadri stratifications for Schubert varieties and standard monomial theory | Prof. Dr. Littelmann |
Naji, Hussein | Deep Learning for Prediction of Recurrence of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma | Prof. Dr. Bozek |
Weller, Anna | Numerical Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations on Metric Graphs | Prof.' Dr.' Kunoth |
Zielinski, Dominik | Zeros of Random Holomorphic Sections of Semipositive Line Bundles on Punctured Riemann Surfaces | Prof. Dr. Marinescu |
Becker, Tilman | On geodesible vector fields and related geometric structures | Prof. Dr. Geiges |
Cesana, Giulia | On the Asymptotic Behavior of Modular Forms and Related Objects | Prof. Dr. Bringmann |
Ebel Patrick | Data-Driven Evaluation of In-Vehicle Information Systems | Prof. Dr. Vogelsang |
Gallo, Gioele | On some percolation problems in correlated systems | Prof. Dr. Drewitz |
Grimm, Viktor | Physics-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics | Prof. Dr. Klawonn |
Heimendahl, Arne | Geometric optimization problems in quantum computation and discrete mathematics: Stabilizer states and Lattices | Prof. Dr. Vallentin |
Mono, Andreas | Harmonic and locally harmonic Maaß forms | Prof. Dr. Bringmann |